In addition to delicious sea bass, our neighbors to the south has produced Ricardo Oyarzun, a Chilean designer; who has angered the Catholic Church by "dressing up models like the Virgin Mary -- in some cases with ample, near-naked breasts."
This is awesome in several ways. First of all, anything with a description of "ample, near-naked breasts" can't be bad. Ever.
Second, instead of taking the wimpy blasphemy route like the Piss Christ, our friend Ricardo has created blasphemy we can actually enjoy.
Third, I don't believe in God, but just in case if there is a God; here is a fella I am going to point to on judgment day and say "hey, at least I didn't pimp out the virgin Mary like Lexus on the main stage" (The Piss Christ guy would be next, I ain't taking any chances - I am ratting everybody out).
Last but not least, the Catholic Church should really be thanking Mr. Oyarzun. If the churches were adorned with art such as this, there would be waiting lists for each mass.
In effort to stop Ricardo and his awesome show, the conservative groups in Chili has gone to the courts, threaten him over the telephone, and spread shit on his doorsteps. In defense of his art, Ricardo has said "There is no pornography here, there's no sex, there are no virgins menstruating or feeling each other up". I can see the sex and feeling each other up part, but virgins menstruating? Now I have seen some messed up porn, like two girls one cup or shake the bear (NSFW), but I think you're setting the porn bar a bit too high there Señor Ricardo.
oh man, that shake the bear video is ridiculous hahaha