Speaking to the Little Leaguers before the Little League World Series, Jim Rice urged the kids not to use today's players as role models:
"You see a Manny Ramirez, you see an A-Rod, you see Jeter, Guys that I played against and with, these guys you’re talking about cannot compare.
We didn’t have the baggy uniforms. We didn’t have the dreadlocks. It was a clean game, and now they’re setting a bad example for the young guys."
Yeah, yeah - I'm being a bit hard on the old man here, he must have confused the name Jeter with Ortiz. Honest mistake. really.

Update: Back pedaling like a bitch.
Jim is just a F.....g idiot like the rest of the Red Sox players and fans. ALl the Red Sox players respect Jeter! They hae been quoted numerous times that Jeter is a class act.