For those of us who actually watch baseball, this cannot come as a bog shock. Even the biggest Red Sox fanboy saw this coming.
I for one, was praying that A-Rod would be suspended, so he can sue and have the entire list released. Look at which team and which year has the Major League team slugging record; and take a look at who had a dramatic spike in production for that year. I would bet you are many more Red Sox players on that list.
Let's go with David's own words to open the discussion here:
"I know that if I test positive, using any kind of substance, I know that I’m going to disrespect my family, the game, the fans, and everybody. And I don’t want to be facing that situation. So what I will do is, I won’t use it."
This was said in this past February, I guess he must omitted the words "any more" at the end.
Ortiz's statement today:
"One, I have already contacted the Players Association to confirm if this report is true. I have just been told that the report is true. Based on the way I have lived my life, I am surprised to learn I tested positive. Two, I will find out what I tested positive for. And, three, based on whatever I learn, I will share this information with my club and the public. You know me -- I will not hide and I will not make excuses."
Really David? Really?
“I tell you, I don’t know too much about steroids, but I started listening about steroids when they started to bring that [poop] up, and I started realizing and getting to know a little bit about it. You’ve got to be careful. I used to buy a protein shake in my country. I don’t do that any more because they don’t have the approval for that here, so I know that, so I’m off of buying things at the GNC back in the Dominican (Republic). But it can happen anytime, it can happen. I don’t know. I don’t know if I drank something in my youth, not knowing it.”
-David Ortiz, BostonHerald.com (05/08/2007)
Well, first of all, one thing I have learned from the entire A-Fraud steroid drama this past Spring was that all 104 players who won the lottery in 2003 were notified that they were on the list.
That was 6 years ago. You know, if I were David Ortiz, and my numbers spiked right around the same time that I was told that I tested positive for some PED; I might want to get my lawyers or representatives to find out what I tested positive for.
You know, so I can perhaps pass it off on a rogue Dominican cousin or some tainted GNC products.

If you really believe that this was the first time that Ortiz has heard of this or he doesn't know what triggered the positive test, you must be in some serious denial.
What I have really enjoyed about this whole ordeal is the reactions from the Red Sox fans. The long time fans will shrug it off, and said something to the effect of "eh, everybody was/is doing it".
Fair enough. Shoot, if I could take a drug and make me write better code at my work and make me more money? You bet your ass I'd be sucking it down by the gallons. Oh wait, it's call coffee - and I have been downing it by the gallons.
All that giddiness after the Red Sox employee Mitchell Report came out (and shockingly contained a bunch of Yankees)? The A-Fraud revelation this past Spring? Yeah, I get it, it's gamesmanship.
The pink hats will go right to the "look at how many Yankees have tested positive or was on steroids" argument. Hey, I don't really blame them - they're really not fans of the game - they're conditioned to just blame the Yankees for everything bad that happens to the Red Sox.
But the bottom line is this - whether you like to admit it or not Sox Fans (Pink Hats or otherwise), your team and your favorite player(s) are just as bad as the team/players you despise the most. You have known this all along, deep down inside you must have known, and today - it's finally proven.
Remember when Bonds and the Giants came and played at Fenway? How some of you acted like you have to hate him and boo him because you are such baseball purist and he was tainting the most hallowed record of all professional sports? (even though most of you cheered his big home runs during batting practice - I know, I was there) Or how some of you poked fun at the Giant fans who still supported Bonds. I would expect you to shun Ortiz today.
What's really going to bring this full circle, is that Ortiz comes out next week and admit that he was A-Fraud's Dominican cousin that had supplied him with Boli.
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