As some of you know, my family has 2 cats. We had adopted these cats from a woman whom I used to work with. I have kept in touch with this woman via Facebook in the last few years.
My former coworker lives out in Western Massachusetts with her family, they have several cats that roams around her home and property. She always has kittens a few times a year up for adoption. Although some people might criticize her for letting her cats mate freely and bringing unwanted kittens into the World, but I do believe she does go that extra mile to find good homes for them.
Anyways, we'll refer to my former coworker as LOLcatWoman for this post.
I get to work this morning, I see this post on her status:
LOLcatwoman - To the serious freaks on CRAIGS list... If you using it as a dating tool, do the world a favor and stay in the "personals" section. The "FREE Kittens" section is not for this purpose...
That's a softball right down the heart of the plate - a 4 bagger with a single swing of the inappropriate comments bat. I let it go, too easy.
Then as the day went on, I see several posts from LOLcatwoman, and I started to piece together what's going on here.
As it turns out, LOLcatwoman has placed an ad on Craigslist, putting two of her kittens up for adoption. She had turned down several of people until she met a woman named Steph. She thought Steph was a nice single girl and would offer the kittens a good home.
After a few days, LOLcatwoman discovered this ad on Craigslist (since been deleted) from Steph.

Intrigued, LOLcatwoman contacted Steph,and inquired as to why she is putting them up for adoption again. I would do the same thing, figuring maybe Steph's situation had changed, perhaps she lost her job or got evicted from her apartment.. etc.
At first, Steph pretended that she didn't even know LOLcatwoman. After a bit of conversation, LOLcatwoman tells Steph to stop playing games and she'll just take the kittens back.
Steph agrees and gives LOLcatwoman her address so she can pick up the kittens. LOLcatwoman arrives at the house, and Steph refused to answer the door. LOLcatwoman calls Steph from the doorsteps, and Steph claims that she "loves the kittens and someone was playing a joke on her by posting that Craigslist ad". They have a conversation, and the ad is removed.
The next morning (today), LOLcatwoman discovers the ad had been re-posted. Just to be sure, LOLcatwoman calls from a different phone and posed as someone who was interested in the kittens. Steph responds on the phone "yes, I have 2 kittens for sale". Just to be extra sure, LOLcatwoman had friends and family call her to inquire about the kittens.
Throughout the many calls, the animals under the control of Steph has grown from 2 kittens to 4 and 2 puppies to boot.

Finally decided she had enough, LOLcatwoman dispatches her husband to Steph's house to retrieve the kittens.
When he arrived at the house, of course Steph denies everything. The husband of LOLcatwoman tells her to stop being a freak, and hand over the kittens. Steph does so, probably after some discussion with her imaginary roommate/friend. Oh, while she is claiming not to know how the ad got up there, she is wearing that exact same outfit as shown on the picture.
Here is the post by LOLcatwoman about the details of the kitten rescue [sic].
"she tells [lolcatwoman's nephew] that she has 4 kittens.... I have my coworker call, she tells him she has 4 kittens and 2 puppies. I call her back and double check, she says "i cant find a way to take that ad down". I said "has anyone called you" , she said "no"... [lolcatwoman's husband] calls her while on on the phone with her and I can hear it beep in...
She flips over to him and... he is RIGHT here... She tells him she has 4 kittens available. He says "what the HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" She hangs up. She calls me 8 times asking how to take an AD down from craigs list. Wants to get together for coffee. So he goes there to ask her whats her problem, since we have a ton of people to give them too, and she says "i dont know what you are talking about, I havent talked to you or your wife... " - So he pulls out his phone and says "this is a little thing called caller ID, and that over there is a police officer, stop being a freak, give the kittens back (who were in the carrier all night with out food or water)"
She flips over to him and... he is RIGHT here... She tells him she has 4 kittens available. He says "what the HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" She hangs up. She calls me 8 times asking how to take an AD down from craigs list. Wants to get together for coffee. So he goes there to ask her whats her problem, since we have a ton of people to give them too, and she says "i dont know what you are talking about, I havent talked to you or your wife... " - So he pulls out his phone and says "this is a little thing called caller ID, and that over there is a police officer, stop being a freak, give the kittens back (who were in the carrier all night with out food or water)"
At this point, I jumped in and asked some poignant questions:
Me -2 questions -
I had briefly contemplated calling the woman and pretending to be a Chinese restaurant owner, and ask if I can have the kittens before the dinner rush.

See, I can do that because I am Chinese, anyone else that would be racist, and would require to buy me beer at a teaching moment.
The lesson learned from this ordeal? Don't put your pussy up on Craigslist.
2. Is she hot?
LOLcatwoman answered #1 with the details above, as for question #2, she quoted her husband:
"it doesnt matter what she looks like, you will be getting a threesome with only 2 people."
Well played sir, well played.