Friday, August 21, 2009

Really Jim, Really?

You see, this is what happens when you let a grouch with borderline numbers into the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Speaking to the Little Leaguers before the Little League World Series, Jim Rice urged the kids not to use today's players as role models:

"You see a Manny Ramirez, you see an A-Rod, you see Jeter, Guys that I played against and with, these guys you’re talking about cannot compare.

We didn’t have the baggy uniforms. We didn’t have the dreadlocks. It was a clean game, and now they’re setting a bad example for the young guys."

Yeah, yeah - I'm being a bit hard on the old man here, he must have confused the name Jeter with Ortiz. Honest mistake. really.

Someone in the Sox P.R. department perhaps should do a better job in the selection of locations for Flex Magazine's promotion at Fenway last night.

1 comment:

  1. Jim is just a F.....g idiot like the rest of the Red Sox players and fans. ALl the Red Sox players respect Jeter! They hae been quoted numerous times that Jeter is a class act.
